One of the themes during 3rd term of school for my eldest son was fairytales. One of their tasks during the year was to write their own fairytale, with the help of their buddy. Corbin was proud to tell me when he completed his story, keen to let me know that it ended in the 'baddies' winning. My memories of fairytales were the likes of Cinderella, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, The Little Match Girl, Thumbelina, Pinocchio and Puss In Boots. I thought fairytales always had a happy ending and told him I was surprised that the baddies won. My son is very clever and matter-of-factly told me "mum, it was a happy ending, for the baddies"!!
To mark the end of the fairytale term, their grade had a dress up day and parade. Corbin was keen to go as Peter Pan, though he was not keen on wearing tights! We didn't have a Peter Pan costume at home so I set about making something. I browsed the web for some images and tutes and came across make it and love it which had a tute for a toddler's Peter Pan costume. It was easy to follow so I used it as a guide.
The top - I headed to Spotlight and they didn't have any suitable green fleece so I bought some green cotton fabric, cut it to size using one of my son's t-shirts for sizing, leaving extra length at the bottom. I made some bias out of the same fabric and sewed the bias onto the neckline. First time making my own bias too!!
The hat - I bought some woollen felt which I made the hat from and sewed in a red feather. The only thing I would do differently is use a coordinating colour thread in the overlocker, as you can see the white thread under the tip of the hat at the front, but I didn't have time to change the thread over so just left it white.
The belt - I had some brown courdory left over from a previous project already so I cut it into a long strip, sewed it up and then added a couple of snaps for closure.
The pants - As my son didn't want to wear tights, I made a pair of midlength shorts for him out of bottle green fleece. I figured that he would get more use out of them seeing that his uniform is bottle green pants. Shorts were a bit of a fail, they looked ok, but my son said they were really uncomfortable, so we scrapped that idea and at the last minute we cut off a pair of his old school tracksuit pants that had a big hole in the knee and made some cut off shorts which ended up working really well with the costume!
I think it turned out pretty good!