After a few tests at sewing a newborn fitted nappy with snaps, I have finally tweaked my pattern to one I'm happy with. I have made a few testers that are now having good use on my boy's teddy bears, and I also made a PUL cover with fold over elastic which turned out much better than I anticipated as my last attempt at sewing a cover with FOE was not that great!

The fitted nappies have a flannel outer and suedecloth inner. The flannel is from Spotlight and the suedcloth from Nappies Covered. I love the suedecloth for it's trimness. I have sewn a two layer bamboo booster into the inner of the nappy and I will add a snap in bamboo booster as well. I am still yet to finish the snaps on one of the nappies. The cover is made from a polyester PUL and FOE both of which I purchased from Nappies Covered . The PUL is lovely and soft and stretchy.
I also thought I'd give making a ribbon blankee a go. I've never made one of these before and was hoping it wouldn't be too hard. All of the fabric and ribbon is from Spotlight and I am really happy with the result. The front side is a printed cotton and the reverse is a plush cuddlefleece. I hope our newborn will like it!